Found a rock?
Let us know here!
Discover one of our kindness rocks!
Keep your eyes peeled to discover one of our kindness rocks in your community or somewhere else throughout the universe.

Share your discovery
with us!
We love seeing where our kindness rocks travel to after each discovery. You can share your discovery by submitting the Kindness Rock Discovery Form!

Keep or rehide your discovery!
You choose! You may either keep or rehide the kindness rock you found for someone else to happily discover.

Snap a picture or selfie with the kindness rock!
Say cheese! Hold up your discovery and take a selfie with it, or snap a quick picture of where you came across the kindness rock.

Join our growing community!
Become a part of our growing community by creating an account on our website, joining our Facebook group, or following us on Instagram!

Kindness Rocks
Community Projects
Who We Are
Our Organization
Coulee Region Kindness Rocks is a community movement of spreading positivity and changing lives with one kindness rock at a time throughout the Coulee Region and even the entire universe. You may have noticed a beautiful kindness rock somewhere in your community before. If you have never seen one before, kindness rocks are painted with both positive and motivating messages or pictures. Once painted and sealed, they are hidden in a public setting for someone to discover. If you are having a challenging day, there is no better feeling than unexpectedly discovering a kindness rock. Kindness rocks can uplift those in their most difficult times and spark motivation to accomplish remarkable things. Unlike any other kindness rock project, we have a public database containing each of our kindness rocks and where they have traveled throughout the universe. If you discover one of our kindness rocks, we strongly encourage you to share your discovery with us by submitting the Kindness Rock Discovery Form before either rehiding or keeping the kindness rock.
Community Involvement
We want to be more than just about kindness rocks. We want to be an organization that promotes kindness and encourages creativity, in addition to assisting with the improvement of our communities, and enhancing the quality of life for those who reside in them. Once a month, both members and volunteers of Coulee Region Kindness Rocks participate in a monthly themed community service project. Some of our community service projects include fundraising for non-profit and charitable organizations, coordinating donation drives and community cleanups, and executing various types of activities promoting kindness and inspiration. Although we are based in the Coulee Region, both our members and volunteers can still participate in our monthly community service projects, even if they do not currently reside in the Driftless Area. Most of our community service projects are designed to be carried out anywhere in the universe.
Get Involved
Are you interested in spreading positivity and changing lives through our community movement? You can volunteer on behalf of Coulee Region Kindness Rocks in a number of ways, including painting or hiding kindness rocks, participating in monthly community service projects, assisting in the functions of the organization, and even donating painting supplies. Whenever or however you wish to volunteer for our organization, you will undoubtedly leave a positive impact on the members of our community. You will be proud of the work that you do, the individuals you collaborate with, and the lives that you will forever touch. If you wish to volunteer on behalf of Coulee Region Kindness Rocks, you can sign up to paint kindness rocks or explore our volunteer opportunities under the Get Involved page.

Dylan Pogreba
Executive Director
Coulee Region Kindness Rocks
Recent News

Volunteer Spotlight: Matthew Josephs
Since June of 2022, Matthew Josephs serves as the Vice Director of Community Relations for Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks. He is also a Sophomore at the University of West Florida in Pensacola.
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Huge Milestone:
10,000 Discoveries
Since June of 2022, Matthew Josephs serves as the Vice Director of Community Relations for Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks. He is also a Sophomore at the University of West Florida in Pensacola.
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Volunteer Spotlight: Matthew Josephs
Since June of 2022, Matthew Josephs serves as the Vice Director of Community Relations for Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks. He is also a Sophomore at the University of West Florida in Pensacola.
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Volunteer Spotlight: Matthew Josephs
Since June of 2022, Matthew Josephs serves as the Vice Director of Community Relations for Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks. He is also a Sophomore at the University of West Florida in Pensacola.
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Huge Milestone:
10,000 Discoveries
Since June of 2022, Matthew Josephs serves as the Vice Director of Community Relations for Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks. He is also a Sophomore at the University of West Florida in Pensacola.
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