Get Involved
Ever wanted to unexpectedly impact someone in a positive way? Become involved with our community movement of spreading positivity and changing lives with one kindness rock at a time throughout the Emerald Coast and even the entire universe.
Ways to Get Involved
Whether you wish to volunteer or participate in our community movement, there are a number of ways you can get involved with Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks. You can sign up to paint or hide kindness rocks, participate in monthly community service projects, assist in the functions of the organization, or donate needed supplies for our community service projects. If you do not wish to volunteer, but still want to participate in our community movement, you can keep your eyes peeled for one of our kindness rocks in your community or somewhere else throughout the universe.

Paint Kindness Rocks
We promote our messages of kindness and inspiration primarily through kindness rocks. You can sign up to paint kindness rocks on behalf of our organization by submitting the Kindness Rock Painting Sign Up Form! Once approved, you may begin to paint as many kindness rocks as you desire. We cannot wait to see you express your creativity through the kindness rocks you create!

Hide Kindness Rocks
Just as important as painting kindness rocks is hiding them for others to discover. If you are not interested in painting kindness rocks, but still want to be a part of the process, we can send a box of them for you to hide throughout your community - or even at your next vacation spot. You can sign up to hide kindness rocks through the Hide Kindness Rocks Sign Up Form!

Discover Kindness Rocks
Keep your eyes peeled to discover one of our kindness rocks in your community or somewhere else throughout the universe. Spend an afternoon competing with your family and friends to discover the highest number of kindness rocks, or more causally, stroll together and work as one team. Just remember to share each of your discoveries through the Kindness Rock Discovery Form!

Donate Supplies
We want to be an organization that promotes kindness and encourages creativity, in addition to assisting with the improvement of our communities, and enhancing the quality of life for those who reside in them. You can assist us to achieve this ambition by donating needed supplies for our community service projects through the Community Projects Donation Form!

You can volunteer on behalf of Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks in a number of ways, including painting or hiding kindness rocks, participating in monthly community service projects, and assisting in the functions of the organization. Whenever or however you wish to volunteer for our organization, you will undoubtedly leave a positive impact on the members of our community.

Join our Community
Become a member of our growing community by creating an account through The Plaza Online Community, joining our Facebook group, or following us on Instagram! Once you create an account through The Plaza Online Community, you will receive immediate access to our Community Forums and Community Groups - where you can find like-minded friends!